Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words. St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Starry Night

I remember, as a little girl, drawing and sketching.  I loved colors and the intimate details of the world around me.  When I first discovered that no two snowflakes were alike, I was mesmerized by them, carefully looking at each one.  Unfortunately, the only way to do that was in the dead of winter.  I had to catch them on my mitten, where they quickly melted from the heat eminating from my hand and through the mitten.

As I got older, my attention turned to sketching all those details I saw around me.  I did my best to enhance my skills on my own by taking art classes all through school.  It was there that I began to learn about all of the artists that I have come to love.  It all started with a report on Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel.  I posted a wonderful, interactive site of the Chapel on this post.  You really should check it out.

I have learned to love many artists since then.  My favorite being Renoir; I am drawn to his floral paintings, but love them all.

However, by far, my favorite painting is Starry Night by VanGogh.   I could sit and look at that painting for hours on end.  It is not so much the colors used (they are dark) but the patterns and fluidity of it; it almost seems to move as you look at it. You can feel his instability and his heartbreak.  He was a tortured soul.

But what a master he was.  He captured the night sky and its bright stars beautifully.  These stars break through the darkness of night and reveal life below in the form of a little village.  The wind blows and shifts.  Constant movement.

What is your favorite piece of art?

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