Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words. St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

He Turns 26

Today, my baby boy turns 26; no longer my baby boy but a grown man with a child of his own.

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.  After 14 hours of labor and too much pushing, the nurses placed him in my arms and I melted.  Here was this little life, brand new and vulnerable, safe in my arms. 

I fell in love.  He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.

26 years later he has been through so many things.  Parents divorcing, moving (too many times), the death of a beloved grandfather and friends. 

He’s had good times too, his whole life has not been terrible.  ;-)

But this past year, in particular, has been extremely hard on him.  What he envisioned his future to be, completely fell apart.  That brand new, vulnerable baby is now a grown man that I cannot keep safe from all the hurts and pain this world throws at us all.

But I am so proud of him.  He has come through the past year with much grace and strength.  He has a new vision for his future and he is moving forward, for the sake of his daughter and for himself.  He has refused to allow his past to dictate his future.

So, happy birthday Anthony!  Keep your eyes looking forward, God has a plan for you and I know it is a good one.  You have so much to offer the world.  Never stop smiling and know that you are loved.  

Lexi is blessed to have you as her daddy. 

I am blessed to have you as my son.


  1. I did not know you had a blog,Sue! I am psyched to be able to begin reading it!!!!
    Julie Robbins

  2. Glad to have you join me Julie!
